The StormSAT is installed at the hightest point of the structure to protect, as for all lightning rods. The Diag’SAT box is installed inside the building at a maximum distance of 100 meters from the lightning rods. The communication between both systems is done by radio (433 MHz). Reading is done with a configuration period (proposed period of 5 minutes).
The box is connected to the computer networkof the protected site, with an Ethernet (RJ45) cable. It allows them to visualize permanently at distance, the stormy activity detected by StormSAT.
Several protections may be connected to a single housing, allowing complete information on an extended site.
Duval Messien ESE Lightning Protection Solution Model: StormSat 6000
Duval Messien StormSat ESE Lightning Arrester
Base from NFC 17 102 French Standard
Protection Level 4
Radius of Protection:107 Meters Excitation advance time(ΔT) 60µs
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